Typically doing the above will cost you $1,000+, usually around the $2,500-$3,000 mark for just one section; we all want to go green and help the environment but we can't afford it. Well now you can, Earth4Energy shows you how to do all of this for about $200 - the shocking part is that it actually works.
The benefits are obvious - the big one being cheaper bills = more money in your pocket.
Let's stop and look at this logically for a second. If buying a $49 book and spending $200 in materials will save you even $20.75 a month on your electricity bill (which it can save you much, much more), the book and materials will have paid for themselves in a year ($20.75 per month x 12 months in a year = $249). Save $41.50 a month and it's paid for itself in 6 months... I think you get the idea.
Click here to go to the official Earth4Energy website.